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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sorry I have been away

I am sorry that I have been away for so long, I have been having some medical problems that kept me very tired and unmotivated the last few months.

Since my last post most of my seedlings have been transplanted into containers and I have been having trouble with the weather staying nice enough for me to have them outside. I am hoping that this week will be better. I will have to post photos later in the week because as of this moment my camera is hiding..... It must think it needs a vacation!

Speaking of vacations, I can't wait for the semester to end! I have a whole LIST of things that I want to do!

1) Write a cook book (yes you are reading that right!)

2) Help a friend tear down a part of his patio so that it doesn't fall down on its own.

3) Teach my kids how to ride their bikes, I know I am such a slacker! In my defense though, we only moved to a place where bike riding is possible about 9 months ago.

4) Rest and study up to tackle Chem I again.... for the 3rd time!

5) Maybe get a puppy....

6) Care for and grow an awesome patio garden!!!

I will try and post some of the recipes that I want to put in my book, SO.... if I do manage any followers  (and I hope there will be lots....) They can try them out and give me some feed back. In my experience it is such a disappointment when you get all excited about a new recipe and it sucks! Even after you make it several times and tweak it a bit, it doesn't help. I want people to enjoy the simple and easy recipes that I live on! With 3 kids I have to keep it real, ya know?

Happy Easter! And Blessed Be!

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