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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Some links to keep busy!

OK, so since my last post the weather has been nothing but trouble! I did manage to fertilize part of my back yard before I ran out of "weed and feed", but my vegi plants haven't had much time outside the last two weeks. It has either been windy or freezing!

Hopefully here in a couple days the weather does what the news says it will. In the mean time, here a few links to keep anyone that happens to stumble upon me busy!

Scott's and miracle grow:

Mowing your lawn:

The garden club: (be aware this one isn't free, there is a free intro magazine, but to join you have to pay, and if you decide to subscribe there is that fee too.) I signed up for the trial membership and asked them to mail me a bill instead of using my credit card info online.

Here is a fellow blogger!

And for those interested in home brewing, check this supplier out. They not only have supplies, but recipes for tons of yummy sounding concoctions!

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