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Monday, April 16, 2012

Too cool not to share!

Hay check this out! This designing firm in Turkey made a hanging garden that you use old disposable coffee cups as planters. This was just way too fun not to share!

So cool! ;-)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I gotta try this one!

This recipe for "white chili" looks SOOOO good! I gotta try it!

I make chili all the time, it would be nice to try something that is not a red chili. I can't wait to get the stuff I need!

Recipe for homemade tomato sauce

Here is one of my kids favorite dinners, Spaghetti! I know, we all know how to make it, you boil water, add some sauce and serve, right? Well give making your sauce from scratch a try! Here is my recipe, and some additions that we can't use but that doesn't mean others can't enjoy them.

For 4 people:

4-10 Roma tomatoes (others work too but decrease your liquid by 1-2 Tbs for every tomato,
        depending on how juicy it is)
2 stalks celery
1 cup chopped mushrooms
2 cups water or stock
1 bell pepper
2 Tbs Italian seasonings (or whatever you prefer)
1 cup frozen or blanched spinach

**Also try:
green beans/ peas
ground meat (turkey, beef, etc.)
Whatever else sounds good

** If you are going to add meat you can cook that up either with the vegis or before hand.

1) Saute peppers, mushrooms, celery, and any other vegi you want to add until just tender (they are going to cook some more so don't make them well done!)
2) While those are cooking chop up your tomatoes into bite sized pieces. When the sauteed vegis are done, remove them from the heat and set aside.
3) Place tomatoes into skillet and cook at medium heat 5-7 minutes, until the meat comes away from the skin and everything becomes mushy. Add seasoning and liquid and mix together well.
4) When it begins to simmer turn temp down to low and add the sauteed vegis into the tomatoes.
5) Let simmer and stir occasionally while you bring water to a boil and cook your pasta. If you feel the need to add more liquid to the sauce while it simmers do so in 1/4 cup or less increments.

This is the way we like to make it, but if you like more soupy sauce feel free to make it that way!

Enjoy! And if anyone makes this let me know, tell me what you think and what you think I need to change or try.

Some links to keep busy!

OK, so since my last post the weather has been nothing but trouble! I did manage to fertilize part of my back yard before I ran out of "weed and feed", but my vegi plants haven't had much time outside the last two weeks. It has either been windy or freezing!

Hopefully here in a couple days the weather does what the news says it will. In the mean time, here a few links to keep anyone that happens to stumble upon me busy!

Scott's and miracle grow:

Mowing your lawn:

The garden club: (be aware this one isn't free, there is a free intro magazine, but to join you have to pay, and if you decide to subscribe there is that fee too.) I signed up for the trial membership and asked them to mail me a bill instead of using my credit card info online.

Here is a fellow blogger!

And for those interested in home brewing, check this supplier out. They not only have supplies, but recipes for tons of yummy sounding concoctions!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sorry I have been away

I am sorry that I have been away for so long, I have been having some medical problems that kept me very tired and unmotivated the last few months.

Since my last post most of my seedlings have been transplanted into containers and I have been having trouble with the weather staying nice enough for me to have them outside. I am hoping that this week will be better. I will have to post photos later in the week because as of this moment my camera is hiding..... It must think it needs a vacation!

Speaking of vacations, I can't wait for the semester to end! I have a whole LIST of things that I want to do!

1) Write a cook book (yes you are reading that right!)

2) Help a friend tear down a part of his patio so that it doesn't fall down on its own.

3) Teach my kids how to ride their bikes, I know I am such a slacker! In my defense though, we only moved to a place where bike riding is possible about 9 months ago.

4) Rest and study up to tackle Chem I again.... for the 3rd time!

5) Maybe get a puppy....

6) Care for and grow an awesome patio garden!!!

I will try and post some of the recipes that I want to put in my book, SO.... if I do manage any followers  (and I hope there will be lots....) They can try them out and give me some feed back. In my experience it is such a disappointment when you get all excited about a new recipe and it sucks! Even after you make it several times and tweak it a bit, it doesn't help. I want people to enjoy the simple and easy recipes that I live on! With 3 kids I have to keep it real, ya know?

Happy Easter! And Blessed Be!